How to join?
At the moment, they are a few plots of 25 m² free.
The yearly membership fee is 25€ (we are not making any pro-rata depending the moment of the year you join the club). Any time in the year is good to start gardening, not only spring or summer. Winter is good also as it is right season to plant or move the bushes and berries, to clean the ground and to plan the next season. For that, you can consult some helpful books available for you at the Book Club or useful websites.
So if you want to start growing vegetables and fruits with us, just send us a notification using the contact form and we will soon contact you to explain everything and show you the available plots!
When you join the club, we ask you to pay an extra entrance fee of 50 €.
We ask you to pay also 5 € for each key of the hut we give you.
Finally, we friendly ask you to fill in a form, which you can find in the Document folder (New member sheet) and send it back to us at