If you want to help the club ...
In addition of the tasks listed in the page "List of tasks",
we urgently need volonteers to:
- be our tool officer
the task consists on:
To identify the damaged tools
To organize their repairs if possible (Den Haan, Rijnsburg)
To buy new tools (den Haan, Welkoop Rijnsburg, gardens centers, internet for specific non-Dutch tools)
- be our special events officer(s)
the task consists of organizing the working session(s):
Communication with the members
Organization of the special days
Procurement of the material and drinks
This year, there will be a Fun day on 24th June. Help needed if we want to have a table to advertise the club : 1 or 2 hours, answering questions and maybe selling plants.
- be member of our "free gardens covering" team
When a plot become free, it is necessary to cover it in to avoid too many weeds.
For that, we need volonteers to clean the plots of the big weeds, maybe remove some bushes, and cover the full plot with a black plastic sheet
You are volonteer ?
Please contact us and we see how we can organize us.
don't forget to give your name and e.mail adress to contact you
Thanks for your help !!