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Like all clubs, the Estec Gardening Club has rules and we ask each member to read and follow them. Paying the annual fee doesn't mean that you rent a plot, but are a member of the club. 


You can find this document in our Document Folder in Microsoft Word format. 


If you do not follow the rules listed below, you may be asked to leave the club.

The aim of the club is to improve the affinity between man and nature. 


The Committee consists of:

a. Chairman

b. Secretary

c. Treasurer

d. Equipment officer

This Committee is empowered to take decisions on the day-to-day running of club matters. 



The Committee will be elected at the A.G.M. each year. Members can nominate themselves as a candidate in writing to the secretary one week before the AGM.





Membership can be made by Estec staff-members and on-site contractors. For Contractor membership will end when ESTEC site access ceased to be granted to them by the ESTEC site management. Membership is limited to the area available. However a waiting list will be maintained by the secretary. Applications will be registered immediately after notification by the bank that the applicant has paid an amount equivalent to the yearly subscription on the club’s account. This right of inscription:


a. will remain pending until the moment when a plot will be released to the applicant.


b. will be considered as the first yearly subscription. If a difference exists between the right and the subscription,

compensation will be made accordingly. If an applicant decides to withdraw his name from the waiting list, the amount previously paid will be reimbursed without interest. Candidate members will be allowed to attend meetings, but they have no right to vote.


3.1 Club Members on pension or early retirement will be allowed to remain a member of the Club, initially for five years; after this period, his membership will be reviewed.


3.2 It is not allowed to borrow gardening tools, to use them at any other location than the Estec garden, without consent of the equipment officer. Failure to comply with the rule will result in termination of the membership. 



Gardens should be kept free of weeds from March-April till September-October, to the satisfaction of the committee.


4.1. In case of failure, a member has to correct this within two weeks, after first written notice of the Committee. If not, Rule 4.3 may be involved. If a member cannot fulfill his obligation for whatever reason, he must contact the Committee to solve his



4.2. Members are obliged, on the request of the Committee, to spend a maximum of four hours per year, on communal activities, e.g. fence maintenance, extensions, etc. In case of repeated refusal, without valid reasons, to participate in such activities, Rule 4.3 may be invoked.


4.3. The Committee has the right to cancel his membership without reimbursement of the yearly subscription.


Members are not a1lowed to sell products of their garden in-or outside Estec.


No constructions may be built larger than 8m x 1.5 m. and higher than the fence.


No green house may be built larger than 2m x 3m x 2m (Width x Length x Height).


When leaving the club, members shall remove their construction / green house, unless agreed with their successor or the committee.


Trees shall be regularly cut such they do not become higher that 2.5 m, and planted at a location such that their shadow does not impact the neighbour’s garden


It is not allowed to use toxic powders or sprays in the plot.


Subscription are annual subscription ;will be determined by the AGM. Subscription must be paid before 1st February of each year. In case of failure to do this, and if after a reminder, the subscription is not paid within two weeks, Rule 4.3 may be invoked.


The club-year is from 1st November to 31st October.


In all questions, not foreseen in these rules and regulations decisions will be made by the Committee.


Organic waste only can be, if not used on the garden, disposed on the compost heaps. The locations of these heaps will be notified by the Committee. Non-organic or wood waste must be disposed off in the waste container next to the club hut.


These rules and regulations may be mended by proposals of members, to be approved by the club Committee. Amendments to the club rules are subject to vote at the AGM and will be approved at simple majority. A quorum of at least 5 club-members may call a general meeting, giving notice of 2 weeks, submitting a proposed agenda at the same time.


An annual general meeting will be held at the end of each year or no later than 31st January. The contributions will be used to improve the facilities on the gardens, tools and facilities, procuring consumables or supporting the club social events. 


​The total garden area has been made available by Estec management


5.1 Estec management is entitled at any time to claim back the rights on the area in case of urgent need, but preferable will consider this at the end of the season.


5.2. Plots will be subdivided by the Committee for the benefit of members. A full subscription is payable for a part plot.


5.3. Members shall not subdivide and reallocate their plot s without reference to the Committee.


5.4. Where a part plot is regularly cultivated by a person not of the member’s immediate family, the Committee have the right to deem the plot as subdivided and may reclaim the part plot for official reallocation.


The Club’s health & safety policy 

Neither the club, nor SSCC, nor ESA is liable for personal injury or damage to the member’s property during normal club activities, notwithstanding reasonable expectations that those parties will conduct their business in a safe environment.


All members must be adequately insured for personal injury and third party liability.

​There is a first help box kept in the hut.

The use of potentially dangerous material (glass) is discouraged.

All potentially dangerous electrical equipment (rotovator, shredder, lawn mower) and the strimmer are kept with a lock. Some are only used by one person, the others can be used with the committee permission and at their own risk, by responsible adults.

Petrol for the strimmer is kept in a locked cupboard.

Saws and branch cutters are kept in a locked toolbox.

The operating of the pump for the ditch is automatic: no member except one person responsible is expected to interfere with it.

Use of toxic products is excluded (club rules) and the storage of manure used by the club is done according to the agreement with the environment authority.

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